Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy birthday daddy..

After a while, another birthday celebration for daadddyyy. Anyway how old are you today?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Authorization for curik gambar

Ok tak gambar yang di"upload" dari account another term..curik gambar..

Teringat zaman dulu

ni la album yang ada thousands of family photo..remind me on those moments to share and ponder...

today's progress

It is so hard for a begginer like me to create a blog. Main-main saja compared with CATIA V5 course or AUTOdesk training..Pening maaa. Such a fun to create a blog. I'll teach my children and ask them to craete one for themselves. We'll see next time their progress..

What a day

Salam and dear all,
What a day!!! This whole week, mummy have a lots to do...especially attanding courses...such as CATIA v5, blogging for teaching and learnin...tommorrow tengoklah...ada lagi...well what a life for kan...